Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Viva la Food!

 I like food. I don't love it. Don't need it beyond survival but my main problem is that when I'm bored...I eat. I'm pretty sure that's got something to do with my current overweighted-ness (like my new word?)

Like last night. Somewhere in my subconsious I *knew* that getting the new House Burger (absolutely divine - a MUST try) at Jack in the Crack, the seasonal Pumpkin Pie shake, fries AND 7 piece jalepeno poppers wasn't *really* needed. In fact, I couldn't even finish it all (except that burger --- go out, get it. It's worth the 5million calories/fat grams). But I got it. And O.K., I did give the Pumpkin Pie shake to the kid, and started passing out the poppers before I'd even take a bite of one...but c'mon. That burger isn't called a HOUSE for nothing. It's friggin' HUGE. I was full after only a few bites and yet---and yet---I polished it off. Why? Because it was GOOD (no, I don't work for Jack in the Crack. I just really liked that burger)!

But yah, ok. If I'd listened to my stomach and paid attention to the way it was stretching and the sudden urge to unbutton my pants, I might not have acid reflux this morning (blech).

I did however, opt for the medium. That's me; always thinking ahead (haha).

Anyway, the purpose of this whole post is actually to begin a daily counter. An online journal of food.

So, breakfast:

1 cup cooked beans
1/2 cup spanish rice
1 tbsp sour cream

...and a few seconds ago, a 'fun size' Nestle crunch. Whups.

EDITED TO ADD: I don't know if it was me or what but I am totally paying for that Crunch bar. I don't even like the things but I ate it anyway and ewww, it must've been bad or something because that chocolate was NASSSSSSTY. That's what I get for eating chocolate at breakfast (sigh). Will it stop me...? Uh, probably not. But no more Crunch's I'm sure.

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